
Meet the Minds Who Deviate from the Norm

Everyone has a story. Here is ours.

Chapter 1

Our DeviationApps journey started with us, two siblings who were practically pros at sibling rivalry. But in the world of apps, our rivalry turned into a channel for something beautiful – showing love through creation.

I, Devashish, took on the tech challenges, drawing from 8+ years of product-building expertise.

And I, Porush, brought my knack for marketing and design to the forefront. As siblings, we’re united by a burning desire to build a legacy.

Our early apps – Cash Calculator, Alankar Palta, 21 Days Challenge, and Air Hockey Game – marked our initial steps in that direction.

Chapter 2

Then along came Daksh, a coding prodigy whose energy vibed perfectly with ours.

Together, we brought Add Letter to life. Daksh quickly became not just a collaborator, but a solid support, a constant motivator, and an essential part of refining our creations to their best.

Chapter 3

And then, the stage welcomed Ashlin – the funny guy with unmatched coding skills. His entrance into our story added a new dimension.

After helping us launch Add Letter, he’s now steering the ship forward.

Ashlin’s coding prowess is driving the legacy of DeviationApps, as we sail forth with projects like Notion CRM and a galaxy of upcoming ventures.

Why US

We’re the pixel pioneers, the tech trailblazers, and the passionate digital nomads who infuse every project with creativity and expertise. Our apps aren’t just digital; they’re the embodiment of our drive to make your ideas come to life. When you choose us, you’re choosing a team that’s dedicated to crafting exceptional digital experiences that stand out in the crowded app landscape

Our Core Values

Fueled by boundless passion, our digital nomad essence infuses every project with our distinct blend of adventure and values.

Unbridled Passion

Driven by Heart, Fueled by Fire, Unleashing Our Fiery Passion for Craftsmanship.

Nomadic Innovation

From City to Code, Ideas Flow Wherever We Roam

Resonating Vibe

Crafting Apps and Experiences That Echo with the Right Vibe


Brought Together by Passion, Bound by Innovation - Our Diverse Nomadic Clan.

Contact us

Collaborate with us for Custom App Development, Design, and Marketing Projects.

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

Your benefits:
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